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aiven commandΒΆ

The aiven commands can be used to give access to an already existing Aiven service by creating a AivenApplication in your specified namespace and extract credentials. Specifically the aiven create service command will create a personal, protected, and time-limited credential. This uses your currently configured kubectl context, so in order for it to work you need to select a suitable context first. For instance, credentials for nav-prod can only be generated in the prod clusters.


The create command will give access to a personal, but time limited credentials. These credentials can be used to debug an Aiven kafka topic, or Opensearch instance. After creating credentials you need to use aiven get to save them locally.

nais aiven create service username namespace
Argument Required Description
service Yes Service to use, Kafka or OpenSearch supported.
username Yes Preferred username.
namespace Yes Kubernetes namespace where AivenApplication will be created.

Kafka exampleΒΆ

To gain access to a specific Kafka topic be sure to update your topic resource and topic ACLs. Add username to spec.acl.application field in your topic.yaml and apply to your namespace.

# topic.yml
  pool: some-pool
    retentionHours: 900
    - access: read
      team: test
      application: username
nais aiven create -p nav-prod -s some-unique-secretname -e 10 kafka username namespace
Flag Required Short Default Description
pool No -p nav-dev Kafka pool.
secret-name No -s namespace-username-randomstring Preferred secret-name.
expire No -e 1 Time in days the secret should be valid.

OpenSearch exampleΒΆ

nais aiven create -i instance -a read -s some-unique-secretname -e 10 opensearch ignored namespace

In OpenSearch, the username in the command is not related to the actual OpenSearch username, but used for internal purposes to identify the request. This is because the usernames on OpenSearch instances are pre-defined as of now, one for each possible access level.

Flag Required Short Default Description
access No -a read One of: admin, read, write, readwrite.
instance Yes -i Name of the instance.
secret-name No -s namespace-username-randomstring Preferred secret-name.
expire No -e 1 Time in days the secret should be valid.


The get command extracts the credentials and puts them in a folder in the default location for temporary files1. The created AivenApplication has sane default (days-to-live) set to 1 day.

nais aiven get service secret-name namespace
Argument Required Description
service Yes Service to use, Kafka or OpenSearch supported.
secret-name Yes Default secret-name or flag -s in create command.
namespace Yes Kubernetes namespace for the created AivenApplication.

For Kafka we will create a Java properties file, KCat config file, and an .env file. For OpenSearch only .env file will be created. See Available output for better understanding of files created. All files will ble placed in a folder named aiven-secret-... in the default location for temporary files1.


Removes folders in temporary files directory that starts with aiven-secret-1.

nais aiven tidy

Available outputΒΆ

After Successful nais aiven create and nais aiven get commands, a set of files wil be available.

For KafkaΒΆ


  • client.keystore.p12
  • client.truststore.jks
  • kafka-ca.pem
  • kafka-certificate.crt
  • kafka-private-key.pem
  • kafka-secret.env
kafka-secret.env fileΒΆ
KAFKA_BROKERS="<broker uri>"
KAFKA_CA="<ca certificate>"
KAFKA_CA_PATH="<path to ca certificate>"
KAFKA_CERTIFICATE="<client certificate>"
KAFKA_CERTIFICATE_PATH="<path to client certificate>"
KAFKA_CREDSTORE_PASSWORD="<password for keystore/truststore>"
KAFKA_KEYSTORE_PATH="<path to keystore>"
KAFKA_PRIVATE_KEY="<private key>"
KAFKA_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH="<path to private key>"
KAFKA_SCHEMA_REGISTRY="<schema registry uri>"
KAFKA_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_PASSWORD="<schema registry password>"
KAFKA_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_USER="<schema registry username>"
KAFKA_TRUSTSTORE_PATH="<path to truststore>"


  • kafka-ca.pem
  • kafka-client-certificate.crt
  • kafka-client-private-key.pem
  • kcat.conf
kcat.conf fileΒΆ
bootstrap.servers=<broker uri>
ssl.certificate.location=<path to client certificate>
ssl.key.location=<path to private key><path to ca certificate>

The generated kcat.conf can be used with kcat to authenticate against the Aiven hosted topics in GCP.

Read more about kcat.conf configurable properties .

You can refer to generated config with -F flag:

kcat -F path/to/kcat.conf -t namespace.your.topic

Alternatively, you can specify the same settings directly on the command line:

kcat \
    -b \
    -X security.protocol=ssl \
    -X ssl.key.location=service.key \
    -X ssl.certificate.location=service.cert \

For more details aiven-kcat


  • client.keystore.p12
  • client.truststore.jks
  • fileΒΆ
# nais-cli 2021-11-16 20:26:00 +0100 CET
# Usage example: --topic aura.your.topic --bootstrap-server <broker uri> --consumer.config <file path>/
ssl.keystore.location=<path to keystore>
ssl.key.password=<password for keystore/truststore>
ssl.keystore.password=<password for keystore/truststore>
ssl.truststore.password=<password for keystore/truststore>
ssl.truststore.location=<path to truststore>

The file can be used with the official Kafka command-line tools included in the Kafka distribution, and with many other Java based tools/applications.

For OpenSearchΒΆ


  • opensearch-secret.env
opensearch-secret.env fileΒΆ